Engagement Model 2021/2

Shared Services Team 2021
The shared services team, based at Cardinal Wiseman, provide a range of professional support services to our 8 schools. It consists of finance, HR, premises, well-being, bid writing and curriculum specialists, whose sole aim is to allow our teaching and learning professionals to concentrate on ensuring that our pupils make outstanding progress throughout each academic year. The team combines academic and business professionals, which are much needed in todays financially challenged educational climate. Please contact us on 02476 451888 if you want to speak to a member of the team.
Click on the image below to see and enlarged version of the team or click here
Shared Services Team Organogram 2022 for a PDF of the diagram

Shared Services Team
About The Romero Catholic Academy
The Romero Catholic Academy came into existence on 1st August 2015. The Engagement Model above shows the Governance structure of the Romero Catholic Academy and how the Board of Directors, Principals Committee and the Governing Body relate to each other.
What is the Board of Directors and a Foundation Director?
The Board of Directors comprises of a range of governors. There is a Catholic Senior Executive Leader (CEO) and five Foundation directors. We currently have three vacancies.
Collectively, they provide strategic direction across all eight schools and they are responsible for preserving and developing the Romero’s Catholic character at all times. This overriding duty (which is also a legal duty) should permeate everything that the Directors do. In addition:
- MAC Directors are company directors and charity trustees.
- The Directors are responsible to the Archbishop, to the Government and to the MAC Members for the quality of education in the academies.
- Directors are responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the MAC.
- Directors have a duty to uphold the MAC’s objects and to comply with any directives, advice and/or guidance issued by the Archbishop via the DES.
Foundation Governors (Directors and Representatives) are appointed by the local Bishop specifically to preserve and develop the Catholic ethos of the school and represent the Bishop’s education policy (e.g. worship and religious education) to the governing body. This is why Foundation Governors will always outnumber other governors on either the local Governing Body or the Board of Directors. There is no magic formula about what makes a perfect Foundation Governor, they come from all walks of life and all ages. But it is important that each governing body has a good mix of skills, knowledge and experience. The Archdiocese of Birmingham, manages the process for the appointment of Foundation Governors and provides support to governing bodies in carrying out their responsibilities.
Our Vision
The Directors have set the Vision and Mission for the MAC through these documents:
Governing Body
All schools in Romero, have a governing body, comprising of different types of governors. On each Governing Body in Romero, we have two elected Parent governors and two elected Staff governors. In addition to these categories, governing bodies in Catholic schools also include Foundation governors, these Foundation Governors will always form a majority and we have approximately seven appointed for each school.
The Board of Directors delegate local responsibilities to the Governors including day to day operational matters such as Catholic Life, health and safety, admissions, holding the Principal to account for the quality of education, staffing appointments (everything other than the Principal and Vice Principal and in the case of Cardinal Wiseman the Head of RE and Chaplain), developing the unique identity, local community and traditions for the school.
Each school has it’s own Governing Body. You can find out more through the following links which are within their main website:
- Cardinal Wiseman
- Corpus Christi
- Good Shepherd
- Sacred Heart
- SS Peter and Paul
- St Gregorys
- St John Fisher
- St Patricks
Board of Director Meetings
The Board meets regularly and has a recently revised structure of three core committees.
- CC1: Finance, Audit, Resources and Premises
- CC2: Strategy, People and Organisational Development
- CC3: Quality Provision and Performance
Business, Pecuniary interests and Executive Pay
Any Business or Pecuniary interests declared by the Board and the Shared Services Team are listed here .
For details of Executive pay please go to the page detailing Conflicts of Interest here.
On this page you will find the published details of compliance in relation to Academy Trust Handbook
Attendance 2021/2022
Autumn 1 22.09.21 | Autumn 2 01.12.21 | Spring 1 26.01.22 | Spring 2 23.03.22 | Summer 1 11.05.22 | Summer 2 13.07.22 | ||
Brendan Fawcett Chair | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||
Eleanor Barry Vice Chair | Yes | Yes | Apologies | Yes | Yes | ||
Victor Bellanti | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||
Julie Fulea | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Apologies | ||
Dean Kavanagh | Yes | Apologies | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||
CC1 22/11/21 | CC1 28/02/22 | CC1 22/05/22 | CC1 06/07/22 |
Victor Bellanti Chair | Yes | Yes | Meeting Cancelled | |
Dean Kavanagh Foundation Director | Yes | Yes | Meeting Cancelled | |
Brendan Fawcett Chair | Yes | Yes | Meeting Cancelled | |
Helen Quinn CSEL | Yes | Yes | Meeting Cancelled | |
Paul Madia EVP Sacred Heart | Yes | Yes | Meeting Cancelled | |
Mark McLoughlin Principal St Patricks | Apologies | Yes | Meeting Cancelled | |
Ian Jones Sacred Heart LAC | Yes | Yes | Meeting Cancelled | |
John Gibbons Sacred Heart LAC | Yes | Yes | Meeting Cancelled |
CC2 06/10/21 | CC2 19/01/22 | CC2 27/04/22 |
Brendan Fawcett Chair | Yes | Yes | Apologies |
Julie Fulea Foundation Director | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Helen Quinn CSEL | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Ann Harkin Good Shepherd LAC | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Pat Garner SS Peter and Paul LAC | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Dee Williams SJF Principal | Yes | n/a | n/a |
Lorraine Stanton SSPP Principal | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Matt Everett CW Head of School | Apologies | Yes | Yes |
CC3 11/10/21 | CC3 07/02/22 | CC3 06/06/22 |
Eleanor Barry Chair | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Brendan Fawcett Foundation Director | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Helen Quinn CSEL | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Ann Harkin Good Shepherd LAC | Apologies | Yes | Yes |
Pat Garner SS Peter and Paul LAC | Yes | Yes | Apologies |
Kevin Shakespeare CC Principal | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Andy McConville GS Principal | Yes | no longer attending | no longer attending |
Dee Williams SJF Principal | Yes | Yes | |
Megan Scullion SG Principal | Yes | Yes | |
Paul Madia SH Principal | Apologies | Not attending (invited when presenting) | Not attending (invited when presenting) |