Romero News Summer 2020
Summer Newsletter click here. or click on the image below.

Please find our copy of the Summer newsletter Romero News. This is particularly poignant as it has been carefully put together internally by Zara Flynn at Corpus Christi. For obvious reasons this Newsletter is special for a number of schools as we remember those we have loved and lost; Father Bob and Carole Flynn.
We continue to flourish as a partnership; this is down to the talent across our staff and the way in which you unlock the God-given potential of our pupils in their journey of learning and faith. Every role in our organisation, makes a difference to pupils across our school and your contribution is vital, valued and appreciated.
2020 will always be the academic year in which we remember exactly what we did in so many different ways. We have encountered new challenges but we have overcome them successfully; indeed many of the solutions we have found, will become Covid-keeps shaping our future way of working.
Whilst the current climate has proved challenging, all members of our community have stepped up; we have witnessed the collaboration, support and creativity in approach to new ways of working and it has been truly remarkable. Thank you.
As declared in our recent Board report shared with Governance, our outcomes at Primary have continued to improve. Well done to all pupils and staff across all our schools this year in a trajectory of improving outcomes. This is only one aspect of our work.
More importantly, great work this year at Primary including Early Years, has resulted in an exciting curriculum that is progressive and well sequenced. The curriculum incorporates our forthcoming City of culture, key events nationally and it is underpinned by faith. Furthermore, our staff have accessed subject knowledge CPD which has been greatly enhanced through external support and expertise shared across Romero.
KS4 5 We will welcome Year 11 and 13 back on August 20th and 13th respectively to collect qualifications awarded this year. They will come onto site in staggered allocated time slots. We pray for all students that they may reach their chosen destination. Thank you to all staff who have worked hard to contribute to an unprecedented way of awarding grades this year. All centre assessment grades have been put through an external standardisation process to better ensure that grades are comparable between schools and colleges.
This is the culmination of a stronger foundation at KS3, KS4 and 5; we are witnessing innovative ways of moving teaching forward through establishing Iris and incorporating Rosenshine’s Principles of instruction in lessons across the school. Through the Think Tank expertise is shared; this is just one of the catalysts moving the school securely towards Good in the next inspection.
Inspection Whilst the visit from Ofsted or S48 inspectors at SS Peter and Paul, Saint John Fisher, Saint Patrick, Cardinal Wiseman and Good Shepherd, did not take place, we will continue to support schools in preparation for these inspections and indeed the Governing Body; we pray for successful outcomes for all our schools in 2021!
Shared Services Team
The central team have continued to provide high levels of service in finance, HR, estate and a range of school support activities. This is now enhanced with the addition of Catering team which joins us from 1st August. We give thanks for the team who have provided support in the unexpected surprises that have arisen during Covid and how it has given capacity to Principals and leaders to focus on school and home learning.
For those of your retiring, Kath Farrugia from Cardinal Wiseman and Mary Lomasney, from Saint Patrick may you both enjoy a long and happy retirement following significant years of service to Catholic schools. May the Lord be ever with you.
For those moving on, we hope you will keep the time you spent with us a productive time in your career and we wish you well in your new pathway.
Finally, on behalf of all the Board, the Academy Committee, I would like to extend my gratitude for your ongoing service and dedication in your vocation as a member of staff in The Romero Catholic Academy. In November, I addressed the staff and shared the overall strapline for 2019/2020 – ‘Kasserian Ingera’; each of you has supported the generations of pupils moving through our schools and it does indeed take a community to raise our pupils. You have all certainly done your part this year.
May you all have a wonderful Summer with rest and relaxation with family and friends; I will see you in September when I visit the schools to open the new academic year.
Helen Quinn