Romero Newsletter Spring 2021
Spring Newsletter click here. or click on the image below.

Today, on Maundy Thursday we bring the Spring term of 2021 to a close. It is poignant that we finish on a day which commemorates the Last Supper and Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. We hope that the symbolism of the Hot Cross Bun and the prayer card go in someway to help all pupils and staff remember the importance of the liturgy alongside the beautiful services, Masses and liturgies that have taken place led by pupils and staff alike (albeit virtual so do check out social media!)
This term, whilst we continued to be challenged by a further lockdown and reopening our schools on March 8th, the fortitude of our staff, pupils and governors has continued to be evident for all our communities to see.
On Maundy Thursday we remember Jesus washed the feet of the disciples, an act described in the Gospel of John, chapter 13, as Jesus teaching them to be servants. It’s the ultimate act of “servant leadership.” Jesus instructs his followers to love and to serve. We in turn are ask to follow this first commandment.
As we bring this newsletter to you all, we hope you can see those acts of servant leadership in action.
We remember
A year on, we remember Father Bob and Carole Flynn on their first anniversary.
Almighty and eternal God,
Hear our prayers and thanksgivings on the anniversary of Father Bob (March 5th) and Carole (2nd April). Enfold them in your care in a place of solace, of peaceful rest and of glorious light.
Echoing Brendan’s words in the welcome, may you all have a happy and holy Easter.
Best wishes