Working for Romero
What are the benefits?
The benefits of working at The Romero Catholic Academy include:
- Excellent Pension Scheme
- Generous holiday entitlement
- A package of benefits, discounts and financial education including a Cycle to work scheme
- An Employee Assistance Programme and 24-hour online GP Service
- A cash back healthcare plan
- CPD opportunities to all staff
- Apprenticeship Programmes
- Working for a Family Friendly & Wellbeing Focussed Employer
- Academy wide support network
One of the best things about working for Cardinal Wiseman and the wider Romero Family is that we are exactly that, a family!
Staff wellbeing is at the very heart of Wiseman and Romero and I am proud to work for them.
A great strength of the MAC is to indeed ‘nurture the talent of tomorrow’ and from starting as an NQT, the nature of school to school support that I have received has been invaluable and I have been able to progress in my own personal journey through secondment opportunities across schools that would not have been possible without the academy.
Leader of a school
‘Job families are able to share their knowledge and expertise across the MAC to solve problems more quickly and to strive for the best outcomes for all our children.
Member of Office
An ability to work collaboratively towards a common purpose, where resources and capabilities are pooled, and the quality of education and learning is enhanced as a result.
Great support, listen to our opinions , feel part of a team , fantastic management. Catering staff The Academy is committed to the expression of the Catholic faith, both explicitly and – more importantly- in our daily life in the school community.
Support Staff

What does Ofsted say about working in Romero?
“Teachers receive high-quality support and training to develop their practice. Leaders make sure that any new approaches are informed by relevant research. Teachers often share successful strategies and visit other schools to find new ways to meet the needs of their pupils. Teachers feel well supported by leaders to manage their workload.”
Cardinal Wiseman Ofsted December 2021
St Patrick’s is at the heart of its community. Pupils are happy to be at school and thrive because they feel part of this caring environment. In class, pupils are engaged and enthusiastic. They talk positively about their school and about how much they love to attend. One pupil told inspectors, ‘I go to sleep early at night so that it’s soon morning and I can go to school again.’
Saint Patrick Ofsted December 2021
‘Staff are overwhelmingly positive about the school and the marked improvements that have happened since the previous inspection. They say that leaders always listen to them and provide support. Staff say that workload is managed well. Parents also speak highly of the school..’
Good Shepherd January 2022.